Sunday, April 18, 2010

Salon International 2010

Here's that Portrait of a Little Boy again. I just found out that he was chosen as one of the Jury's Top Sixty at the show. They usually pick fifty, but luckily for me, the show was bigger this year. Unfortunately it's just a ribbon, not a prize--but you can't always have fame and fortune too.

Here are some pictures from the show in San Antonio. Everett Raymond Kinstler did critiques. It was a lot of fun, even if E.R.K. did think my viola player was a girl. You can see the whole show online at the Greenhouse Gallery's website.

Here I am in my strange vintage dress. I'm not sure what vintage it is. (I painted the lady in the doorway, not the roses, although they look pretty good on top of my hair.)

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Sweden, part two

Here's the church at New Sweden, looking back up the road. Early spring.